Monday, November 14, 2011

Holy Heat Wave

How strange for it to be 95 degrees in November! But alas it was and still at 8:33pm, according to Jeff's iPhone, is. It actually said it got to 100 today, but I don't believe it. Avery and I went out and relaxed in the shade on the lawn behind the beach and it felt amazing. Maybe I'm starting to get used to it like the rest of the Aussies here who don't have air con. Of all of the people I have met so far here, no one has a fully-ac-functioning home. In the states, this would never ever fly when there are days of 100 and very humid weather. But here everyone opens all of their windows and doors, not caring about flies, gnats and other bugs. We are starting to adjust to just leaving the doors open. We have few screens so not much choice when the heat is this hot. The hardest part so far has been poor Avery. She is sleeping in just a onesie, but over the weekend the poor thing was waking every few hours and got very little sleep. And so neither did we. My sister Lisa just booked a trip out for February. Please let the heat take a break in February! I hear that could be the hottest and most humid month of the year.

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