Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Post

So I/we (Jeff & I) have a few other blogs. One about Avery and Jeff started one about Oz, but I decided to add one more to the list that would be more of a public chronicle of our lives through my eyes. The others are more for our families back home who desperately miss our little Avery. I kinda wish I had started this earlier. There are so many experiences I have had already since we got here 3 months ago - learning how to work the oven, figuring out what ingredients are what since they all have different names here, navigating the medical system, trying to decide if I should conform to the way they speak here without feeling weird ("How ya going?", "Do you have extra nappies in your pram for the bubby?") shopping (everything is insanely expensive to the point that it's a lot cheaper to buy things in the US, and have a family member ship them to you), and the list goes on. But I have no doubt more curve balls are coming my way that will make this blog at least slightly entertaining.